
All Argentum portfolios are customized for each investor and investment entity. We employ an "open architecture" platform, where managers are selected on a "best of class" basis and where the only decision criteria are performance and "fit" within the overall portfolio. We believe in diversification and long-term investment planning. We use disciplined asset allocation investment strategies and sophisticated optimization in an attempt to create portfolios that consistently deliver the highest possible after-tax, after-fee returns for a given level of risk. When and where appropriate, we employ alternative investment strategies (private equity, hedge funds, venture capital fund of funds, etc.) in an attempt to improve the risk/return characteristics of our portfolios. Where appropriate, we actively employ tax-advantaged investments and tax management strategies.

At Argentum, we provide assistance for our clients in the following areas through our partnership with Triad Advisors LLC., a registered Broker/Dealer, and member FINRA and SIPC.

Traditional Brokerage Services
·  Equity and Fixed Income Securities
·  Mutual Funds
·  Money Market Funds
·  Certificates of Deposit
·  Institutionally Managed Accounts
·  Municipal Bonds
·  Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
·  REITs
Retirement Services
·  IRAs (Traditional, SEP, Simple, Roth)
·  Educational Savings Plans (529/IRAs)
·  401(k) Planning
·  403(b) Planning
·  Money Purchase Plans
·  Profit Sharing Plans
Insurance Services
·  Variable and Fixed Annuities
·  Disability Insurance
·  Long Term Care Insurance
Other Services
·  Alternative Investments
·  Risk Hedging
·  Stock Options
·  Trust Services
·  Estate Planning



Our Team

Building and preserving wealth is a lifetime commitment that can be greatly assisted by a long-term relationship with a trusted, objective, and loyal advisor. We are dedicated to growing our firm through successful long-term relationships.

Broker Check

Contact Info

Argentum Group
2530 Meridian Pkwy Ste 200
Durham NC 27713
Phone: 919-806-4640
Toll Free: 866-743-6886

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